Homogeneizador Bullet Blender BB50-DX


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EQUIPAMENTOS IMPORTADOS :- PRAZO ESTIMADO DE ENTREGA: 30 A 60 DIAS em condições normais do Desembaraço aduaneiro (Alfandega)


Extra-powerful Bullet Blender® 50-DX homogenizes better and faster. Processes up to 4 tough tissue samples or up to 8 soft samples in 50 mL tubes in parallel. Each tissue sample can be up to 3.5 g or cell culture combined with buffer up to 20 ml. Includes: BSP-50B bead sample pack which has samples (20 ml) of 7 types of beads, bead spoons, and a sample bag of 50 mL tubes.

Includes the following:

  • Operator’s manual
  • 12V DC Wall plug power supply (UL/CE)
  • Basic starter kit which includes:
    • Bead Sample Pack BSP-50B contains 20mL centrifuge tubes of several different types of beads
    • Spoon for dispensing beads


Homogenize Tissue
Homogenize Tougher Tissue
HeartAortaTumorTail SnipsColonLungBlood VesselTracheaCartilageEpitheliumStomach,IntestineLarynxMouse FemurPharynxUmbilical CordSkinUterus
Lyse Cells
E. coli, Mamallian cell culture, Yeast
Homogenize Plant Material
Leaves, Beans, Nuts, Roots
Homogenize Small Organisms
Zebrafish, Drosophila
Whole Cell Isolation
Bacteria, Lymphocytes, Blood Cells
Organelle Isolation
Nucleus, Mitochondria


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