L30001 LUNA-STEM™ Automated Fluorescence Cell Counter


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L30001 LUNA-STEM™ Automated Fluorescence Cell Counter

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The LUNA-STEM™ is a dual fluorescence automated cell counter that measures cell number and viability.
The most advanced fluorescence optics and analysis software enables the LUNA-STEM™ to accurately count nucleated and
non-nucleated cells such as stem cells and cells in the stromal vascular fraction (SVF), setting itself apart from other cell counters.

The LUNA-STEM™, integrated with dual fluorescence as well as bright field optics, is a giant leap forward for automated cell counting
and viability analysis. Using two dyes, Acridine Orange (AO) & Propidium Iodide (PI), the LUNA-STEM™ provides sensitive and accurate
data for almost all cell types, especially stem cells and SVF cells.

With the LUNA-STEM™, all nucleated and non-nucleated cells are counted and analyzed. For example, the LUNA-STEM™ can detect
and analyze the various SVF nucleated cells (adipocytes, blood cells, and others) and non-nucleated cells (RBCs, microvascular elements,
and others), which is currently an impossibility for other cell counters.

Automated cell counters utilize disposable counting slides to eliminate the need to wash glass hemocytometers. Logos Biosystems has developed the innovative T-Bond technology (patented) to manufacture precision cell counting slides in a cost-effective manner. The unit price of each slide is almost half that of competitors’ brands, leading to significant savings for dedicated users.

Powerful on-board analysis
Once the LUNA-STEM™ has counted your cells, the built-in software immediately generates cell viability data. Green and red circles
indicate live and dead cells, respectively.

Cell size gating
Counted cells can be gated based on cell size. Using the histogram that displays live and dead cell population, you can easily exclude
or include specific sizes by simply dragging the ends of the histogram.

Image overlay
Three images captured from each channel (bright field, green, red) can be merged directly on the screen. The individual brightness of
each color can be adjusted. All images can be saved onto an external USB drive.

Data report
The analyzed data can be saved as a PDF report or CSV file. Counting results, cell images, and histograms are combined into a single
PDF file and saved to an external USB drive.

The PhotonSlide™ is a new counting slide that has ultra low auto-fluorescence, equal to that of a glass hemocytometer. The patented
design has a precise chamber height that ensures the even distribution of cells throughout the counting chamber.

The LUNA-STEM™ provides a compact mobile printer for further record keeping purposes. Thermal or label paper can be used.
The mobile printer is ready to use with a simple USB connection.


Cat # Product Quantity
L30001 LUNA-STEM™ Automated Fluorescence Cell Counter each
L12005 PhotonSlide™, 50 slides(100 counts) 1 box
L12006 PhotonSlide™, 500 slides(1,000 counts) 10 boxes
L12007 PhotonSlide™, 1,000 slides(2,000 counts) 20 boxes
F23001 AO/PI (acridine orange / propidium iodide) cell viability kit 2X500 µl
F23102 Calibration Bead, for use with LUNA-STEM™ Fluorescence Cell Counter 1X500 µl
F23212 Cell Dilution Buffer 5X20 ml
P10001 LUNA™ Printer each
P10002 LUNA™ Printer Paper each

• Código do produto: 1CC25F
• Disponibilidade: produto feito sob encomenda
• Pagamento no momento do pedido: 100% de sinal

SKU: 1CC25F Category: